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DJI Drone Repair + Buy and Sell in Vancouver and Surrey BC Canada

With our established cell phone repair stores in Vancouver and Surrey, we are excited to extend our expertise to the world of drones. Whether you're a hobbyist, a professional photographer, or just curious about drone technology, our new services meet all your repair needs.

Our Repair Services

Drones are intricate pieces of technology that offer stunning capabilities but they can encounter issues that require attention. Here's a brief list of some of the repairs we do for DJI drones.

Camera and Gimbal Repairs

The camera and gimbal are crucial components of any DJI drone, responsible for capturing stable and high-quality footage. Issues like shaky videos, camera errors, or malfunctioning gimbals can severely affect your drone's performance. Our technicians are skilled in diagnosing and fixing these problems, ensuring your drone delivers the best possible footage.

dji drone gimbal
Drone Gimbal

Propeller and Motor Repairs

Propellers and motors are essential for the flight and manoeuvrability of your drone. Damage to these parts can result in poor performance or even render your drone inoperable. We replace broken propellers, repair or replace malfunctioning motors, and ensure that your drone is back in the air, flying smoothly and reliably.

DJI Props

Battery and Power System Repairs

Battery issues, at times, can be particularly challenging, leading to short flight times and/or unexpected shutdowns. Cell Clinic provides comprehensive battery health checks, replacements, and power system diagnostics to keep your drone powered up and ready for flight.

DJI Battery Pack
DJI Battery Pack

Firmware Updates and Software Troubleshooting

Keeping your DJI drone's software up to date is essential for optimal performance and security. We help with updates, resolve software issues, and ensure that your drone's system is running the latest and most stable operating version.

DJI Drone Vancouver

Selling your Drone?

We offer competitive cash offers for used drones, providing you with an easy and convenient way to earn money from your old device. Our technicians will assess the condition of your drone and offer a fair price based on its condition and market value.

With locations in both Vancouver and Surrey, we are easily accessible to customers throughout the region. Our stores are equipped with the latest tools and technology to provide fast and efficient service.

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